Statement regarding the natural/human disaster/tragedy in Puerto Rico

Valenttina Cardozo
2 min readDec 4, 2020

OCTOBER 16th, 2017

The Social Justice and Engineering Initiative Corporation | A Not for Profit Corporation

The recent events in Puerto Rico has saddened our hearts. But our sadness has turned to resolve in reaction to out federal government’s response to this tragedy. Rather than implementing the full backing and resources of the United States Government behind the recovery effort in Puerto Rico, our federal government has places undue blame for this tragedy on its citizens and left them to fend for themselves. What’s more, our federal government continues to make threats against its citizens instead of providing needed support and resources.

This is exactly why SJEIC was founded. Amongst out other goals, we speak up against social, environmental, and engineering injustices that continue to perpetuate our society and seek to work together with those whom have been ignored by the system in an attempt to build and rebuild their community in an equitable, sustainable, and inclusive manner.

As we continue to grow out organization we will be in a position to help in situations like these as well as provide assistance in other situations, developments, and research as per our mission statement. Until then, we ask that you to please do what you can to advocate for change to prevent further behavior like this at your local, state, and federal levels. Give your time and money to people and organizations who directly help in the recovery effort, as well as our organization and organizations like ours that seek to prevent further human tragedies caused by reckless development and disregard for the people who are unable to advocate for themselves due to societal variables and the planet.

Ryan William Bentz

Executive Director / Founder / Chair

Jose Ayala

Director / Founder / Chair



Valenttina Cardozo

Chemical Engineer, volunteer at The Social Justice + Engineering Initiative.